Quick eye requires you to use your imagination and notice the environment around. It's simple. Take turns to open a card. Each card has a specific quality written on it. Thing of something that has this quality. Found it? Then open the next card and now we look for something that has both these qualities. Then take another card! The game becomes progressively more challenging and fun with each new open card. Your fantasy and imagination really switch on! Attention! The game activates superpowers: imagination, concentration, vocabulary
Founder of the "Simple Rules" board game design studio
We have principles that guide us in life, and we try to make sure that they have a place in our careers as well. These are very important things such as friendship, children, and family. Everyone who works with us and who helps us shares these values. We believe that even in a serious business it is important to retain your humanity and remember why you got into this in the first place.